Room Description

  • Non A/C Room (Double Occ - M.A.P)

    A non A/C room in hotel Vaishali comes equipped with standard amenities like a television set for entertainment. This room also has an attached bathroom with hot and cold running water system. Room service for limited hours is also offered to guests staying in this room.

  • Non A/C Room (3 - 4 Persons - M.A.P)

    A non A/C room in hotel Vaishali comes equipped with standard amenities like a television set for entertainment. This room also has an attached bathroom with hot and cold running water system. Room service for limited hours is also offered to guests staying in this room.

  • Non A/C Room (3 - 4 Persons - E.P)

    A non A/C room in hotel Vaishali comes equipped with standard amenities like a television set for entertainment. This room also has an attached bathroom with hot and cold running water system. Room service for limited hours is also offered to guests staying in this room.

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